2010年3月24日 星期三

天下沒有醜女人 …..

天下沒有醜女人 …..只要有銀子, 大嬸立刻變小姑.
猜蘇姍大嬸 年頭唱完日本紅白大賽後, 一定順道繞了一下韓國….

No Woman is UGLY...only the poor who could not afford it!
Just some major touch up that money can buy to turn one of those ducklings that turns into a swan! All men are created equal and, for the same token, no women are born ugly.
If you follow the talent shows, you will be surprised to see the 180 degree turn around of the name Susan Boyle on screen. Now, look at the difference!
蔡豐名 生活集錦 網誌 提供 http://fmtsai.blogspot.com/
