FORMOSA BETRAYED 製片Will Tiao (刁毓能)NJ 演講 by Leah
二月22日晚上7:30 Will Tiao蒞臨New Jersey的台美教會為即將上映的Formosa Betrayed宣傳演講。Will一再強調,Formosa Betrayed是一部標準的好萊塢電影, 針對的觀眾是對台灣所知不多的一般美國人,其兩股主軸:掙脫『l ack of identity』 和 『injustice』則為普世價值, 在國際影展看過此片的觀眾,無論膚色與國籍,都驚訝地告訴Wil l他們有多麼感動,因為爭取民主與自由的奮鬥歷史,不只是台灣, 他們的祖國也曾經傳誦過。然而,最讓所有觀眾震驚的是, 原來台灣人的奮鬥還在進行當中,因為這樣美麗勇敢的國家, 竟然不能得到美國和世界上大多數國家的承認, 甚至還籠罩在中國的飛彈威脅之下,令人不解也令人同情, 心情在落幕之後還久久不能平靜。 |
Formosa Betrayed是Will Tiao獨立製作的第三部電影,卻是第一部規模這麼大的影片, 規模大到其他的製作人、片商都不敢相信他能以相對貧脊的800萬 美金拍出這麼驚心動魄的電影。因為經費的問題,因為1982年的 台灣街景,更因為害怕工作人員在拍片過程中被2008年甫上任的 馬政府迫害,Will決心在曼谷還原當年的台灣, 在芝加哥拍攝美國的場景,終於在2009年二月殺青,並於LA首 次播放給股東觀看。 Formosa Betrayed已經在八、九個國際影展中得到許多獎項, 而就在剛剛過去的這個禮拜天(二月21日),Formosa Betrayed更榮獲New York Times推薦為『movie of the week』, 由於它卓越的藝術成就加上其探討的乃是跨越族群與文化的普世價值 ,得以幸運地受到發行商的青睞(每年僅有不到1%的獨立製片有機 會在戲院上映),將在今年228的這個週末,於台灣鄉親聚居的N ew York City, New Brunswick-NJ, Boston,以及眾多California的城鎮首播,二月2 6日是禮拜五,也是上映的第一天,此日的票房尤其重要, 能否拉長上映的時間,擴展上映的地點,就看26、27、28這三 天的票房表現了。 Will語重心長地說,其實『賣電影』比『拍電影』 還要艱難許多,他已經完成了他的責任—幫台灣拍電影, 至於接下來的票房和國會遊說,需要所有台美人一起努力。他為Fo rmosa Betrayed找來了知名導演Adam Kane,更找來了家喻戶曉的巨星James Van Der Beek,這兩個名字對一般美國人來說都頗具吸引力, 我們要做的就是拉朋友,拉第二代的朋友,拉所有你認識的美國人, 無論各種膚色和族群, 我們都邀請他們與我們或是第二代一起去戲院觀賞這部探討人類共通 價值的好電影。筆者甚至建議, 如果你來不及在電影募資的時候幫上忙,it’s not too late,你可以幫美國朋友或是孩子的朋友買票( 上戲院的網站查詢放映時刻線上購買),讓他們藉由Formosa Betrayed來重新定義台灣, 甚至因此開啟了認識台灣的興趣。 我們台灣人的故事在島內已經傳誦了60年, 海外的鄉親也在美國國會奔走了30年, 無數的萬言書刻印著令人鼻酸的血淚,可想而知, 各位鄉親在日常交際中更是極力運用所有的言語和資料來宣揚台灣, 但是,這些都比不上一齣用視覺去直接感受的電影要來得震撼和清楚 ,尤其可貴的是,Will Tiao幫我們製作的Formosa Betrayed正是一部美國人最容易接受的好萊塢電影。 電影已經拍攝完畢,但是我們宣揚台灣的大好機會才正要開始, 把自己和孩子的朋友們帶進電影院,讓Formosa Betrayed成為話題,讓它成為影壇的一股旋風, 我們衷心期望,這股重新認識台灣民主奮鬥歷程的熱潮, 能從美國燒起,一舉燎越過太平洋, 深深烙印在我們台灣手足同胞的心裡,而這一切,就從你我開始! **本文歡迎『全文』轉載,不須經過作者同意**
Begin forwarded message:
The much anticipated Hollywood production focusing on Taiwan ’s struggle for freedom and democracy, Formosa Betrayed, will open in select theaters in NY, NJ, MA, and CA starting February 26, 2010. The movie will play in more theaters across the country in the weeks following the initial opening weekend.
To keep the film playing in theaters for as long as it can, so that as many people as possible can get a glimpse of Taiwanese people’s aspirations, it is imperative that all of us help promote the film, by going to theaters ourselves and bringing family and friends to see it during the opening weekend. Please see message below from the producers of the film for more details and theater information.
Formosa Foundation
Subject: PLEASE FORWARD: Formosa Betrayed needs you!
Coming soon to theaters, Formosa Betrayed is a political thriller that marks the first time Hollywood cinema has explored the contentious issue of Taiwan 's right to self-determination and independence from China . Set to open in select theaters starting February 26th, Formosa Betrayed stars James Van Der Beek, Will Tiao and Tzi Ma. With the recent uproar over President Obama's arms sale to Taiwan and the building coverage of the 2010 US Census, more and more attention is being drawn to US-Taiwan-China politics and the importance of forging a unique Taiwanese identity. Formosa Betrayed addresses these issues and more and has the potential to make a huge impact on the way the world views our community. It is now up to us to make sure that the true story behind our heritage is seen by as many eyes as possible.
Though Formosa Betrayed was made by Taiwanese Americans and is the untold story of our elder Taiwanese, it is essential that more than just those that already know the story and history come see the film -- we must encourage ALL of our friends to come and begin to understand the complicated web of relations between the US, Taiwan and China. We need support from ALL AGES in ALL AREAS to not only see this movie but to also bring friends and family to fill those theater seats! High numbers of attendance at our screenings will draw attention and create dialogue about Taiwan in mainstream America and in our own local communities that is critical to increasing support and awareness of Taiwan .
Formosa Betrayed has already captivated audiences of all ages and races in film festivals from New York to LA, San Diego to Philadelphia , Montreal to Sao Paulo , and back, thanks to a dramatic storyline and a talented multi-ethnic cast featuring many Asian and Taiwanese-Americans . For more information about Formosa Betrayed, visit www.formosathemovie .com, or find the "Formosa Betrayed: The Movie" group on Facebook. From both sites you can watch and read press coverage of the film, from ABC News to MTV to the Taipei Times. More importantly, you can stay updated on cities and theaters where Formosa Betrayed will be shown so you can tell friends around the nation to check it out. We believe NOW is the time to share our story and definitively distinguish ourselves as Taiwanese, separate and independent from China . As our current President said, change does not start in Washington D.C. , change starts with us.
Thanks again for your support, and feel free to forward this email to your own communities.
The makers of Formosa Betrayed